15 May 2009

Jean-Claude Larchet: Another Un-post

I noticed that someone in Nancy, Lorraine, France, was doing a Google search for the French Orthodox scholar Jean-Claude Larchet and came to my blog. Unfortunately, a search on Logismoi for ‘Jean-Claude Larchet’ will reveal that there is no mention of him on here, until now. I do apologise for this. I have read of Larchet (mostly, it seems, in Orthodox Tradition), but have not yet had the pleasure to read him. I will point out, however, that there is a helpful post on Larchet at my favourite blog, Ora et Labora, where Felix Culpa, a clergyman of the Russian Church Abroad, discusses Larchet’s work and links to a few things of his online.

Postscript: As it would appear that it was the title of Felix Culpa's post, turning up on my blog list in the archives, that produced the false positive for our French researcher, I have removed this feature to prevent future confusion. Henceforth the blog list will only display the titles and icons of the blogs, and not the titles of the posts. Sorry to disappoint or inconvenience anyone!

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